

Governing in the 21st century presents new challenges for public officials. Technology is changing the ways we interact as global citizens and how we govern. With billions now online, citizens expect to connect with governments and public sector agencies in a secure, seamless, and reliable environment. Public service employees need to collaborate across multiple agencies and geographies in real time.
Government officials around the world are exploring new ways of doing things in order to cope with the challenges of globalization, economic uncertainty, emerging technologies, and a more connected citizen base. The solutions to these challenges have two factors in common-connecting people and maximizing resources in radically new ways.

Creating stronger government cybersecurity starts with building trust: trusted process, trusted systems, and trusted services. Trust in this sense is a belief that architecture can live up to expectations of performance and security capabilities. Establishing trust supports innovation and improves government cybersecurity by helping to protect ideas and data.
Global pressures and new technologies are changing the way governments protect their national interests. Sage Computer defense and intelligence solutions can help you unite legacy systems, improve agility, build your virtual presence, and meet other military requirements to achieve your global mission.
Sage Computer believes in the value of, and is committed to, the government product certification process. We deliver the right products with the right certifications to meet and exceed Public Sector customer expectations. The government certification business is complex. Therefore, Sage Computer has a dedicated resource team for overall program management of global government certifications and is our 3rd pillar of excellence in support of building Trust Worthy products.
Governments worldwide need to ensure that products they use meet their criteria, perform as expected, and work with their existing technology. As a leader in providing certified and evaluated products to the global marketplace, Sage Computer responds to these needs by maintaining an active product certification and evaluation program for global government customers.
Sage Computer Connected Justice enhances the cycle of justice and lowers operating expenses. This approach allows court and correctional leaders, as well as law officers to perform their duties regardless of distance to enhance agility, increase speed of justice, and create safer experiences.
With reduced workforces and constrained budgets, today's public safety agencies need cost-effective solutions to keep citizens and public spaces safe. Sage Computer provides converged network and physical security to help government agencies respond to emergencies and protect their citizens.