Network Jammers Solutions

Network Jammers Solutions

Jammer product can transmit noise signals to destroy communications between the bomb and the controller, thus to protect cars with VIP governors, security cars, restrict unlawful assemblies, etc. It mainly serves for the military, police stations, banks, security sectors and so on. Jammer product supports followed features:

  • Jamming frequencies can be combined and adjusted at random
  • Jamming for all frequencies
  • Stronger jamming signal, less power loss
  • Small volume, light weight, longer working time

Jammer product has two sorts of forms

  • Vehicle-mounted device and man-pack device for different application scenarios: Vehicle-mounted Jammer is a high power digital jamming system for heavy-duty vehicles that operates in the 20MHz-6000MHz frequency range. It adopts signal suppression technology, and by transmitting noise signals.
  • Man-packed Jammer is a Broadband frequency Jamming system which is designed to prevent and suppress the use of various RF remote controls and improvised civilian mobile devices for remote detonation of explosive devices. It mainly serves for the military, police stations, banks, security sectors and so on.


In a state of ever-growing and rapidly evolving market for information technology and system integration, recognizing the need of a company that can offer high quality and take the lead on the Indian market, a group of highly qualified engineers and programmers founded the "SAGE COMPUTER IN 2004 the company established its office in India and started its activities with the sale & support of IT equipment, ... View More

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+91-11-4556-1303, +91-98216-79669